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Dissemination EVENT - Sunday 3 of September 2023, Pissouri Multicultural Center


Updated: Oct 5, 2023

Dissemination Activity took place Sunday 3 of September in Pissouri Multicultural Center and more than 30 youth workers youngsters and youth that attended our projects told us about their experience in this projects. As we are participate we are learning through our whole life.

Participants tell us their experiences for the following programs:

  1. "Youth in Tune" Youth Exchange Portugal and Poland, June 2023 2nd Part (Andreas Kyrinis, Despoina Tsiakli, Ioanna Elia, Rafael Panagi, Anna Panagi)

  2. “Youth workers LAB - LAMBIDA" Douple PDA (Cyprus, Georgia) | 23-30 March and 27.06-04.07 July 2023 (2nd Part) (Maurice Moussa, Constantinos Papaconstantinou, Feidias Iacovides)

  3. "reSPECTRUm", PDA in Cyprus/19.06-26.06 2023 (Erma Georgiou, Boghos Avetikian, Gavriela Loucaidou, Eleni Themistocleous)

  4. “Digital Enterprise Through Empathy ’’, PDA, Porto, Portugal/13 - 20 of July 2023 (Farmakidou Aikaterini, Gavriela Loucaidou, Savvina Nikolaou, Myrianthi Karantona)

  5. “LAUNCHING A SOCIAL ENTERPRISE (LASE)’’, PDA, Porto, Portugal/5-13 of JULY 2023 (Marilena Leventi, Panayiotis Antoniou, Panagiotou Antigoni, Pavlos Yioukkas)

  6. “WOMENS POWER’’, PDA, Kłodzko, POLAND/21-28 of JULY 2023 (Katerina Farmakidou, Erma Georgiou, Marina Daniil, Maria Georgiou, Natalia Krasidou, Andri Nicou)

  7. “SPORTS VALUES APPLIED TO YOUTH ENTREPRENEURSHIP", YE in Spain (Malaga)/10 to 18 of May 2023 (Miltiades Savvides, Angela Houvarta, Maria Kyriakidou, Nicole Koutentaki, Gavriela Loucaidou)

  8. “Social Inclusion of Marginalized Youth Through Non-Form", YE in Germany (Berlin)/20 -29 of July 23 (Stelios Papayiannis, Maria Papayianni, Boghos Avetikian, Loukia Georgiou, Alexandra, Nikoletta Panagiotou)

  9. “ECO TOOLBOX", PDA Italy (Florence)/16 to 23 of July 2023 (Constantinos Papaconstantinou, Christos Karaoli, Elena Papadopoulou)

  10. WELCOME 2 SUSTAINABLE CITY", YE in SPAIN /11 - 19/08/2023 (Maria Kyriakidou, Charalampos Pilavakis, Christos Kasoulides)

  11. “Change starts from you – bECOme active", YE in Cologne, Germany /08 - 15/08/2023 (Christos Hadjiraftis, Filippos Polykarpou, Alexandros Antonopoulos, Alexandros Kosti,Vasiliki Nikolaou)

  12. "Careerification". YE in Podhájska, Slovakia | 19 - 28 of August 2023 (Stavriana Kountoureti, Maximos Alkiviades, Loizos Hadjipavlis, Rafaelia Koumoudiou, Theodora Katsiami)

  13. YOUGO/ Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity in Spain (Malaga)/ 22-29 of May (Anthousa Papadopoulou, Chrystalla Polydorou, Eirini Kosta)

  14. YOUGO: KA220YOU, Διετές πρόγραμμα για δημιουργία υποδομών για στήριξη γυναικών που κάνουν Crafts (Evangelia Nikolaou)

  15. CREative Arts as Therapy tools In YOuth Work (CREATIYOK): ΚΑ210YOU, 24μήνο πρόγραμμα για ενδωμάτωση ατόμων μέσω δραστηριοτήτων μη τυπικής εκπαίδευσης στις τέχνες,μουσική και φωτογραφία. ΝΕΟ ΠΡΟΓΡΑΜΜΑ παρουσίαση του προγραμμάτος από την ομάδα του προγράμματος (Erma Gergiou, Nikolas Nikolaou)

  16. Participation Beyond Voting: KA154YOU, Διετές πρόγραμμα για συμμετοχή των νέων στα κοινά (Stella Komodromou)

  17. Non-Formal Education Activities for the inclusion of people with disabilities: ΚΑ210YOU, 18μήνο πρόγραμμα για ενδωμάτωση ατόμων με αναπηρίες μέσω δραστηριοτήτων μη τυπικής εκπαίδευσης. Παρουσίαση Εμπειριών από την ομάδα του προγράμματος (Erma Gergiou, Gavriela Loucaidou, Dimitra Alexandrou)

  18. IncDisBas: Inclusion of disabled people through basketball, Erasmus Plus Sports ΚΑ210YOU, 18μήνο πρόγραμμα για ενδωμάτωση ατόμων με αναπηρίες μέσω του wheel chair basketball (Orfeas Kritikos)

Do you want to learn what we are doing? Do you want to learn more about the experiences ofour participants indifferent projects this summer? Then you must come to our dissemination event which is going to be on on Sunday 3 of September 2023 (at 12.00 noon) at Pissouri Multicultural Center in Pissouri.

Google Maps of the place:

During the 2 hours of the events a lot of participants in our programs will make presentations and maybe some activities of non-formal education that they learned in the trainings that took part. The event is going to be organized every 2 months so to have a spherical knowledge about our activities. In the event they will be done presentations for the following programs:

The above programs will be representing in a 2 hours activity which will take place in Pissouri Miulticultural Center (next to Panorama Longue) at Sunday 3 of September 2023 12 o clock noon. At the end we are going to have lunch (for each one who wants) to a restaurant in Pissouri Square.

If you want to attend to our event please complete the application of participation:



About Us

Address: Stadiou 58, Pissouri, 4607, Limassol, Cyprus


Phone number: +357 99692097

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