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PDA, "QUEST-ON", POLAND, 05/07 - 16.07.2024


Updated: Aug 3, 2024

Project Name KA153YOU: PDA  "QUEST-ON"

Activity: Training of Youth Workers in Poland (Natural farm in the Northern POLAND).  The PDA "QUEST-ON" project will involve 25 participants from Greece, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Italy, Romania, Turkey and Cyprus, from 05.07 (arrival) – 16.07 (departure) 2024.

PDA: 05 of July (arrival) – 16 of July (departure) 2024

Venue: Participants will be gathered in a Natural farm in the Northern POLAND. The accommodation is a farm with many facilities and near the nature offering a lot of facilities. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner will be served in the farm. Other services provided on-site are parking, free Wi-Fi, gym, and laundry service.

Food: The venue of the training will serve the participants with 3- times-a-day meals and snacks and beverages for the coffee breaks.

3 active youth workers, youth leaders, educators, activists, project facilitators, project

coordinators will be selected from our organisation.



Brief Description of the Project

We created the "QUEST-ON" project, to share and exchange coaching and mentoring tools which were successfully used by partner organizations in their direct work with young people. To ensure a holistic and complex approach, we based our training on the Dilts pyramide, which claims that every situation can be viewed, analyzed and solved on different levels and it’s not enough to focus on only one of them. During the described project we will dedicate time and learn specific tools to work on each of the levels identified by Dilts (Environment, Behavior, Skills/Capabilities, Beliefs, Values, Identity, Mission/Purpose). Each day of the training will be dedicated to one of the levels described above. We will learn specific, tangible, but also diverse coaching/mentoring tools to work on each level, exploring not only methods based on conversation, but also those which include art, connection with nature or physical movement.

The name QUEST-ON is related to asking questions as well as questioning our assumptions and beliefs - both crucial in successful coaching/mentoring work. It is also an invitation to join the quest - search and journey into personal and professional development on a deeper is related to asking questions as well as questioning our assumptions and beliefs - both crucial in successful coaching/mentoring work. It is also an invitation to join the quest - search and journey into personal and professional development on a deeper level.

In this way, our objectives are:

·       Equipping youth workers with diverse coaching and mentoring tools which can support their work with young people on various levels of the Dilts pyramide;

·       Developing skills of youth workers crucial in leading successful coaching/mentoring sessions with young people (ex. deep listening, identifying and adequately reacting to emotions, communication including giving feedback or mirroring, etc);

·       Creating opportunities for youth workers to work on themselves, reviewing their own behaviours, beliefs, values, mission and life purpose

Application for interest in participation in our program in this link:

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