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School of Social Diplomacy: "Black Sea Dialog, Russian Federation (Krasnodar)/25 to 31 of March 2023


School of Social Diplomacy: "Black Sea Dialogue"

Project Name: "Black Sea Dialogue"

Activity: school of Social Democracy

Accomodation: Krasnodar (Russia)

Dates of the Activity: From 25 to 31 of March 2023 (5 days of activities and 2 travellling days)

Participants: 1 representative from our NGO

Total of 36 participants

Travelling food and accommodation all are paid from the program (For an application you must be member of our organization, if you want to apply for membership you can go for the application to the link:

1 Representative age 18 to 35 will be selected from our organisation.


The Black Sea Dialogue School of Social Diplomacy will bring together representatives of NGOs and young civil activists from the Black Sea states, Armenia, and Cyprus, who have knowledge and skills of international communication, are well versed in international relations and are ready to implement international projects aimed at the development of public diplomacy and the formation of an objective image of Russia in the Black Sea region. The project pays special attention to confidence building between the participants, motivation to work in the field of public diplomacy and the formation of values of international NGOs and the strengthening of regional ties. The project will be attended by 36 representatives of the non-profit sector and active youth from the mentioned countries.


The project aimed to strengthen international cooperation and regional cross-border ties of 36 youth leaders and the non-profit sector from the countries of the Black Sea region (Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Georgia, Moldova, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine), Cyprus and Armenia to strengthen integrative processes towards Russia.


· to study the level of activity of organizations and youth leaders of the countries of the Black Sea region, Cyprus, and Armenia in the field of international cooperation, as well as to consider and determine the influence of Russia, The European Union and other actors in the integration processes of the region

· to organize a platform for comprehensive discussion, expansion of knowledge about regional issues and interaction between active representatives of public organizations and youth leaders of the participating countries, as well as to contribute to the formation of a community of civil activists in the region promoting ideas of stability and security of the Black Sea region, prospects for the development of relations with Russia.

· to acquaint the participants of the school with the basics and types of public diplomacy (cultural, digital, sports, diaspora), differences from public diplomacy and to provide the participants with examples of successful projects aimed at mutual integration and international cooperation in the region.

· motivate participants to develop joint projects aimed at strengthening friendship and mutual understanding in the cultural, digital and sports spheres of society and develop possible responses actions/counteractions of conflicts through projects with the Russian "third sector".

· research information about the work and created joint projects of foreign and domestic NGOs and form it in the form of analytical articles for the Black Sea social media.

Important Information

· Travel expenses for international participants, accommodation and food is provided by organizers with support of The Gorchakov Public Diplomacy Fund. Visa cost for those who needs it should be provided by participants themselves.

· Travel tickets for international participants will be bought by organizers ONLY after providing ready visa. DON’T apply any documents for visa before getting an official invitation from organizers. You will get it as soon as you provide all the necessary information to them.

· During the process you will communicate with project coordinator. Don’t hesitate to ask any questions.

Aplication for Interest of Participation:

If you want to be a candidate of our program please complete the application form and don't forget to complete the membership form if you are not a member of our organisation. Link for completing the application of membership:



About Us

Address: Stadiou 58, Pissouri, 4607, Limassol, Cyprus


Phone number: +357 99692097

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